Sunday 8 May 2011

Our First Script

After watching different thriller openings and studying the plots, we wrote the first script for the opening of our thriller film 'Mistress'


{Setting –Classroom}

Right I’m off to a meeting with parents, see you later.

(Not looking up from computer)
All right then. Bye.

(Husband leaves and as door shuts, wife walks towards the classroom door)


{From point of view of wife. Sees husband and another woman on a walk)

Ah I think I’ve dropped my phone, I’ll be back in a second
(Walks off)

Don’t you want me to come?

No it’s fine; it’s only over there somewhere.

(Wife creeps closer towards husband, closer and closer follows him behind a tree and next shot shows husband on the floor other side of the tree with blood seeping from his stab wounds)

(Next shot shows the wife following the other woman, camera looking from behind trees and getting closer to the woman. Final shot – as wife/camera is really close to the woman, the camera zooms in really quickly onto the woman’s face and focuses then freezes on her eyes which are bright with terror.)

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