Sunday 8 May 2011


Due to technical difficulties with Prezzi, I used powerpoint to present my evaluation.

Group Meeting - 14th March

This lesson we will finish the editing for our film. We also need to find a copy right free music clip to put into part of pur film. We also need to make sure that we change our film to black and white.
We also need to ensure we have changed bits of our research and planning that we have already put onto our blogs because we changed where we filmed the first part to our film so everything needs relate to eachother.

Questionnaire Results

We asked 10 people who had watched our film to complete a survey which asked them their thoughts on our film and the thriller genre itself.
The majority of the people we surveyed thought that the thriller genre is more widely watched by men than woman however the opinion was mixed as to whether they were more suited to teenagers or adults. Only 3 people preferred thriller films to any other genre, and the other 7 either preferred comedy, rom coms, sci fi or foreign language films. One of the questions we asked was 'what do you first think of when someone mentions thrillers?' which the majority of feedback stating that they associated thrillers with murder, suspense, tension and blood.
The majority of people said that they liked our thriller and would go and watch it if it were shown in the cinema based on the opening. Although we had no negative comments, improvements were suggested such as making the plot a bit more clearer, even though we thought that confusing the audience a bit at the start was effective in creating suspense.



Who is our film aimed at?

After studying the elements that made a film a 15, we decided that we would give our thriller film would be aimed at people aged 15 and above. None of the 18 age certificate features such as gore, very strong language and drug use are present in our film, however the plot is relatively complex and would not be suitable for an audience under fifteen years of age. Although there is some violence, it is not shown and is very subtle.

final storyboards

these are the final storyboards for our thriller film 'mistress'

What is the purpose of the opening to a film?
To intrigue and interest the audience and make them want to watch the rest of the film.

How do you think a thriller film is defined?
It’s almost like a horror in the fact that certain parts make you jump and feel tense, however a thriller focuses more on building up the tension and suspense for most of the film and reaches the climax at the end, which usually ends in a cliff-hanger. They don’t usually include a lot of blood and violence but use shots that suggest that these features are present in the scene.

What techniques can a director use to create suspense in a film?
Using dark lighting, using close up shots on everyday objects to make them seem more sinister and suspicious, focusing on only part of a person’s face to conceal their identity and make them appear more suspicious and mysterious.

What films can you think of that would fit into the thriller genre?
One of the most famous thriller films ‘Psycho’ and a film I saw recently called ‘Inception’

The thriller film can be divided into sub-genres – what different types of thriller films do you think exist?
• Murderous passion, for example ‘Blood Simple’
• Psycho traumatic, for example the film I mentioned in the previous question ‘Psycho’
• Innocent on the run, for example North By North West
• Story based on changes in identity – Detour
• Political thriller – Day of the Jackal
• Film Noir – Mildred Pierce

What are the characteristics or conventions of a thriller film?
Intense narrative, the building up of tension, low key lighting, suspense, cliff hangers, surprises, twists in the plot, action, murder, eerie music similar to the music found in horror films, a hero/heroine.

What do you think is the audience pleasure of a thriller film?
The narrative is usually very intense and confusing and so many people would enjoy trying to work out the mystery. Also a lot of people like thriller films because of the thrill they get, hence the name, because they are often very tense and keep you on edge, leading up to the final scene where there is usually a surprise.

What do you think are the differences between a horror and a thriller film?
Horror films are often more shocking because they usually include blood, gore and other disturbing images, whereas thrillers are more subdued and hint that these disturbing features are included, but don’t actually show it. Horrors often make you cringe more and genuinely scared and disturb the audience whereas thrillers tend to make you feel tense but don’t actually mentally torment you like a lot of horror films do, for example the Saw films which are very gruesome and violent because they show you the torture actually happening which a lot of people can’t physically watch. To summarise I think that thrillers are a mild type of horror film because they play on your mind and scare you but only slightly, whereas horrors show you everything and genuinely disturb you.